Insurance coverage

Osteopathy is considered a first-line therapy in Switzerland, meaning you can consult one directly without a referral from your primary physician. Appointments are generally covered by complementary health insurance policies but not by mandatory health or accident insurance policies (LAMal or LAA). Contact your insurance provider for more information.

After an appointment with one of our osteopaths, you will be given a bill to send to your complementary health insurer so that you can be reimbursed. Payments are due in cash at the time of the appointment.


Patients affiliated with Visana are requested to make an appointment with our osteopaths CDS, Nicolas Grangier, Clémentine Duplan Ariane Lafont


Our rates are based on the length of an appointment:

45 minutes: CHF 140
30 minutes: CHF 110
The rates for any appointment not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance are due (including for appointments scheduled the same day).

Ostéopathie du Flon

  • Recognized by Switzerland’s complementary health insurers
  • Bills provided at the end of each appointment
  • Payments due in cash at the appointment